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Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jan 16, 20243 min read
Get the most out of your VO booth!
Do you know how to rock your booth? Like, use the whole space when you're voice acting? You should. Let's talk about it.
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Dec 7, 20233 min read
Hell Hath Frozen Over...
There's a new audio tool in town. One that could change the way we edit and submit long form content for good. Let's talk about it.
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Nov 16, 20234 min read
What is Punch and Roll in VO? Why do you need it?
What is punch and roll exactly? Do you need to know how to do it? Let's take a look and de-mystify the whole thing.
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Nov 9, 20232 min read
Voiceover isn't voice-over any more. It's...
When you're in you're booth, auditioning, reading for a client. You're never alone. You have a buddy. Gabby lays out just who that is.
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Sep 5, 20233 min read
Mistakes are FRUSTRATING! Use this technique to help reduce the flubbs.
Mistakes are FRUSTRATING! Use this technique to help reduce the flubbs.
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Apr 26, 20234 min read
How's your audio quality? How do you know?
If you haven't had your audio quality checked out by a professional, you need to do that right now. Like, right now.
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Dec 15, 20223 min read
Hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast, and move on.
We like to think that we're taking our listeners on a journey when it comes to our VO demo. Ah, get over yourself. You're not. You're...
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jul 27, 20225 min read
Voiceover Demo Reel Elements - What goes into making a great demo?
I'll say it a thousand times, DON"T DIY YOUR VO DEMO! However... If you're bound and determined to do it yourself, you should know what...
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Jul 19, 20223 min read
The absolute essential must have tool to be a voice actor. (it's not a microphone)
What in the world could be so important as to be the most-est, must-est have item for VO? The answer will surprise you, maybe. Unless...
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
May 17, 20223 min read
Your Gear Might Be Holding You Back!
Who doesn't like new voiceover gear? A new microphone might be just what you need to take your career to the next level. But is it? In...
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Apr 18, 20223 min read
Voiceover and the Fricative
Fricatives can give a voice actor headaches. Those friction sounds are a lot like sibilance. In this video, Gabby talks about how you...
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Apr 2, 20224 min read
Learn how to edit your voiceover audio FASTER!
Editing audio is part of the job description if you want to be a voice actor. But are you spending too much time editing? The faster...
Gabrielle Nistico VOCoach
Feb 5, 20223 min read
Here's why you might NOT be booking any Voice Over work & what you can do to fix it.
Sometimes you need to take a hard look at why you're not booking as much work as you want. In this video, Gabby lays out a key factor...
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